Thanksgiving |Little Princesses

So some of you are probably wondering why I titled this post thanksgiving.  Am I right?  Although I do love me some Thanksgiving (the turkey, dressing, and cranberries…umm yes please), this post has absolutely NOTHING to do with the actual holiday of Thanksgiving.  So why did I name it that?  It is quite simple.  I’m talking about another type of thanksgiving, and that thanksgiving is in our hearts.

Yesterday Sadie had a cardiology appointment.  This was a big one for us.  I wasn’t worried about what the outcome might be because I know I don’t have any control over what happens (contrary to what I might believe sometimes), but I was just anxious to get some information.  The day before her appointment her doctor’s office called and told us she was getting a full diagnostic done.  So naturally this got my mind on the subject of Sadie’s heart.  You see, I forget all the time that she has a heart condition.  She is such a normal happy smiling baby that it is super easy to forget that she has something under the surface that isn’t okay.

I feel like that is how people are a lot of the time.  We see their outside appearance and we think that they must have it all together, they are the best wife, or they must be really happy.  The truth of the matter, is that we all have something going on under the surface.  That is why it is so important to be there for each other and pull each other up when we fall down.  I love my group of girl friends that I have.  I am so incredibly thankful to God for them.  They support me when I need it, cry with me when I am going through a rough time, and they challenge me to want to be better.  When I leave their presence I always feel like I can conquer the world.  That is how it is supposed to be.  Remember that people are always struggling and that they need support and kindness.  Then maybe you can help someone else feel empowered.

Now, back to Sadie.  We got to Mansfield a little early so we go to Taco Bueno (my absolute favorite).  As we are sitting down eating Sadie decides she wants to grace us with a gift.  She has been on antibiotics now for a few days so her bowel movements are what I would call not even remotely solid.  So as I am sitting there eating my delicous Muchaco, Sadie goes.  And she doesn’t just go easily and it is a nice cleanup.  Oh no.  That would be too nice.  She goes so bad that it blows out of her diaper and lands on my arm, shirt, and upper lip…..#momlife.  So I take her, her carseat, and diaper bag to the bathroom to clean her only to find that they don’t have a changing table.  So what does a mom do when she is in desperate need of a changing table??  She improvises.  I got Sadie cleaned up (of course she got a new onesie), and then we went to her cardiology appointment.

Her appointment went really well.  She had an echo done on her heart.  We got alot of amazing information.  We had so many questions regarding what her future could look like and her doctor was really great in answering them all.  She will more than likely have surgery when she is about 4-5 to fix her ASD and her pulmonary stenosis, but neither one of those issues is causing her any harm right now.  She is thriving!  Her doctors are so impressed with her.  Here is my little Sadie Bugg , who has a whole in her heart and a narrow artery, and she just smiles at the world.  God made her perfectly.  Her problems are scary, but they are fixable!

On the way home, I just sat there thinking about everything the doctor had said and you know what I realized??  God is always faithful.  You would think that I would have already realized that with what we went through when Sadie was born.  And the truth is that I did realize it then.  But then life happens. and you get stressed and you worry and things seem crazy.  God is faithful.  Is there a chance that Sadie will need surgery?  Absolutely.  Does that scare me?  Yes and no.  Yes, because I just want her to be okay and healthy.  No because I have a God who loves me and who knows what is best for my Sadie.  He made her in his image.  He tells us “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7).  This is exactly what He has done for my husband and I.  He has given us a peace about all of the situations we find ourselves in regarding Sadie’s health.  He is faithful always.

So today, I want to talk about thanksgiving.  I am thankful for my Sadie’s health.  I am thankful for the strong amazing man that God gave me to go through life with.  I am thankful for the amazing beautiful daughters that I have been blessed with.  But most of all, I am thankful for a God that loves me in my flaws, keeps me comforted even when I doubt His goodness, showers me with his grace, leads me towards His greatness, and is forever faithful.

Kamden and Casen | Children

I love photographing kids!  They make my heart so full.  Some kids are just so creative and love taking picture, while with others I am constantly chasing them around!  That is exactly how this session went.

Kamden and Casen are the children of Drew’s (My husband) cousin.  It is crazy to see the similarities between Kamden and Reagan.  They are both SO outgoing!  Kamden loved taking pictures and was telling me how she could lean against the tree for one pose.  It was adorable.  Casen on the other hand, was terrified and didn’t want to have anything to do with a camera.  He thought it was going to get him.  His session was a little more difficult, but I think we still got more than enough pictures for his birthday.

Their birthday theme is trucks and tiaras, so for Casen we took pictures with his bulldozer toys and some actual bulldozers.  For Kamden, we took pictures in field and had a tea party all while she wore her princess crown her mom made.  On a side note, this crown was beautiful!  Her momma is extremely creative.  The pictures turned out great and the kids were such troopers.  We hiked around a field and construction equipment in middle on June in Texas.  That is some heat y’all.  So without further ado, check out the preview I have for Miss Kamden and Mr. Casen.

Sadie Bugg|Little Princesses


Whew! It’s been awhile since I have posted.  Life has definitely been crazy.  A lot has happened in the month since my last post.  Sadie is sitting up so much better and rolling over life crazy!  She has graduated to her crib (Praise God!) and only wakes up about once or twice now.  I am not going to lie.  I really thought the transition to her crib would be an extremely difficult task.  She has definitely not been our easy child on transitions, but she surprised me.  Not only does she sleep in her crib without a fuss, but she can fall asleep in there by herself without me having to rock her or give her a bottle before bed!  It is really quite amazing.


We bought her some new big girl jammies because she has graduated out of three month clothing.  She is now wearing 3-6 month and some 9 month clothing…..guys, I definitely didn’t think that would happen for sure.  Sadie is growing so much.  I am so proud of her!  She is without a doubt our happy child.  I mean you can wake her up, and as soon as she opens her eyes, she is smiling at you.  Be still my heart.  Feeding her has gotten a ton better!  She can now eat an entire thing of stage two baby food.  Now for those of you that don’t know, that is a lot of food for her little belly.  She loves food!  Her rolls are starting to show and I couldn’t be happier.  I am so thankful to God for her accomplishments with her growth.  Heck, I am just so thankful for her and her sister period!  Sometimes (who am I kidding, MOST times) I may not have a clue what I am doing, but man am I glad to be their mommy.


The Fourth Trimester | Mommy Help

Children are a wonderful gift from God.  Sometimes I feel like my girls teach me more than I teach them.  My oldest daughter Reagan is definitely in the process of teaching me patience.  She’s two.  Need I say more?  I love every minute I get to spend with them.  With me working, it’s hard finding time for family and house and school and husband.  Throw in a little bit of some postpartum hormones (because let’s be real, there are plenty) and you are looking at one big party of craziness.  Moms, I know that you love your babies, but I am hear to tell you that it is okay to have a mommy break.  In fact, it’s more than okay.  It’s essential to your health and happiness.

When my first daughter was born, I had postpartum depression pretty bad.  It is definitely a real thing.  I stayed home with her for 13 months and then we sent her to daycare.  During those 13 months, I battled myself everyday.  I felt like everything I did was taken for granted and that I did everything in my life for someone else.  I lost sight of who I was and it was tragic.  Now, listen closely.  None of that was my husband’s or my children’s fault!  It was all me.  I let myself get to that point.  In fact, my husband very regularly tried to help, but I don’t let people help me very easily.  I was angry, sad, and in a bad place.  I was having a hard time losing the 50 pounds that I gained during pregnancy and I didn’t know how to get better.

I say all of that to say if I had given myself a mommy break and taken time for myself to enjoy my hobbies I wouldn’t have lost them and I wouldn’t have felt like my world was being rocked.  I mean obviously when you have a child you’re world is rocked, but you can help keep it as steady as possible by taking care of yourself.  As the mother, you set the mood and tone for your family.  If you are angry and sad all the time your family will ultimately begin to feel that way as well.  Reagan can always tell when I am upset.  She looks at me and says “Mommy, you alright?”  It’s unfortunate that my two year old has to even know what anger or sadness is.  Her world should be happiness not tainted by my emotions.

Life is crazy, especially when you add little ones to the mix.  Make time for yourself.  Mommy breaks are crucial to helping you reorient yourself.  I lost sight of myself.  I sacrificed so much of myself that it tore me up.  I didn’t know what hobbies I had, what music I liked, or what I even liked to wear ( I pretty much lived in sweatpants).  When I finally decided that I did not want my girls being influenced by my poor mood and sour attitude I noticed a change.  I prayed that God would give me the wisdom I needed to be the mother and wife that my family deserved.  I prayed that He would help me to be a strong Christian example of what a woman should be for my girls.  And you know what happened?  God went to work.  I started running and eating better and eventually I lost the baby weight and then some.  I started feeling better inside and out.  God was transforming my heart.  He was taking that evil that was nesting there and He was kicking it out.  I began to make time for myself.  Drew would take Reagan with him to feed the dogs (we have many) and I would get that time to run and clear my head. In the evenings I started to read.  I found that I absolutely LOVE a good book.  I started to become the woman that I wanted to be.

After Sadie was born (she is 5 months old now), I prayed that God would help me get through my postpartum.  I would love to tell you that I am completely through it, but unfortunately I am not; however, I am coming up on the other side of it.  I let the evil take root in my heart for awhile, but I am ready to be better.  It’s a struggle.  It truly is, but I just want every mom out there to know that you are not alone in the emotions and thoughts that you have.  Postpartum is a real thing.  It can transform your life if you let it.  Sadie was in the hospital for three weeks after she was born due to the fact that she was 4 pounds at birth.  She couldn’t eat or hold her body temperature.  We lived two hours away from the hospital so every day for three weeks we would drive to Ft. Worth and then drive home in the evenings to spend time with Reagan.  I had a lot of anger build up during that time, and it has taken me awhile to work through it.  The good news is that I am working through it and I feel a lot better.  I give myself a mommy break every night to read and just relax.  Slowly, I can feel the change.  It is so amazing to feel God at work in your life.  He has saved me from myself multiple times.  It doesn’t matter how many times I have been angry at Him, He always forgives and loves me.

img_1416.jpgPostpartum is a very difficult time for moms.  I just want you to know that it can and 9241d76f-8d23-4fad-9536-cc1623726668.jpgdoes get better, but you have to put in the time and effort for that to happen.  Make time for yourself (even if it is just 5 minutes) to sit down and gather your thoughts.  When you have children, a house, a husband (or maybe you are a single mother, in which I say you are amazing!), and a job or school your thoughts run everywhere and that adds to the chaos your emotions are already wreaking all over your mind and body.  Take a mommy break.  It’s okay, I promise.  It will help you to feel like yourself again!

Cruz and Dezi | Children

I love children.  This is no surprise to those of you that know me.  I have two very special and beautiful princesses of my own.  Taking pictures of children can sometimes be challenging because they may not necessarily do what you want or they have their own ideas.  Guess what? That is perfectly fine!  Cruz is two and Dezi is one.  You can imagine just how crazy this session was!  But oh man, it was so much fun!  I love capturing children when they are in action.  Cruz wanted to just run around.  He was very shy so posing for a picture was not what he wanted to do.  Their parents came to the session, so their dad kept chasing them around the backyard.  The look of pure happiness and joy that they had their faces was amazing to be able to capture.

Their amazing mom made a couple of props for the session.  We actually took some birthday pictures for their family.  They have family in Houston, so they like to get pictures made to take to them.  Angie (mom) made the most adorable number letters and tied balloons to them.  It was perfect!

Getting this session done was actually quite difficult because, being that we live in Texas, you never know what the weather is going to do.  It had been raining so hard, and then on the days that it wasn’t raining the ground would be too soft.  It just happened that on the day we took these pictures it was an absolute beautiful day!

This family was so great! They were so down to earth and they just had a kindness about them.  I was very blessed to get to meet and photograph them. 

If you want to see more of my work got to my website


Reagan and Sadie | Children

Last Tuesday I got my new camera.  It is absolutely amazing!  Of course I had to do a practice session to see all of the fun features, so I decided to do use my beautiful little girls as models.  Poor Sadie has horrible allergies, so the wildflowers didn’t help.  Needless to say, she didn’t take too many pictures before her daddy was holding her.  Reagan on the other hand took lots of pictures.  I think she likes being center of attention.  What two year old doesn’t like everyone loving all over them?

Drew came with me and was my “assistant” for the session.  He is such a big help.  Anytime I needed him to move a blanket or wipe a runny nose he was right there.  He is always my biggest supporter and I couldn’t be more blessed.

Now, enough of that gooey love stuff.  I had such a great time taking pictures with my new camera.  It’s always a learning process for me, but I truly enjoy it.  The sun was shining, but it was hidden behind the tree line, so we were shaded for most of the session.  It’s always interesting when I am going to take pictures of Reagan.  She doesn’t believe in posing, so we have to bring something along to help her at least stay focused enough not to just run around.  For those of you that don’t know Reagan, she has one speed.  That speed is running everywhere.  Having Sadie there helped though.  She loves her baby sister.  I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.
