Ripley | Newborn

Wednesday I had the absolute pleasure of taking newborn pictures for my perfect little niece Ripley.  It was so much fun!  She had a ton of different costumes (ninja turtles included).  We were laughing and having fun snapping pictures of sweet little Ripley, when my camera strap decided to break and my amazing camera fell straight into the mud.  Naturally, I freaked out!  Thankfully, my brother is excellent when it comes to technology and things of that nature and he cleaned it right up for me.  Needless to say, we will be having another newborn session sometimes soon due to the fact that the one we had was cut short.

Ripley I a beautiful baby.  No, I am not biased at all!   She truly is a gorgeous little baby.  Anything we put her in she pulled off amazingly.  She definitely does not take after Aunt Bri!
